Sunday, November 27, 2011

Why Not Just Tell The Truth?

The Martin Chronicles is trying to understand the mind of Villa Hills’ Mayor Mike Martin. Yes, we know. That is a potentially dangerous undertaking. But we just can’t understand why Martin felt compelled to lie to a resident who asked him the simple question, “Do you know who is responsible for putting the “Vote ‘YES’ To Repeal The License Fee” flyer in the last edition of the Voice of Villa Hills.
Why did Martin say, “I have no idea.”? What would be wrong with admitting he believed the passage of the proposed forty per cent property tax increase was important in the effort to generate the necessary funding to repair and replace the streets in Villa Hills? What would be wrong with admitting that because of his belief, Martin utilized city personnel and resources to produce to flyer at the last minute so that it could be distributed in the city newspaper?
Did he perhaps stumble into the realization that the way he did it was improper when confronted with the question? Crescent Springs’ Staples has a copy center after all. He didn’t have to wrongly use city resources and personnel to print 2,800 copies of the flyer.
But Martin had to realize that there were a number of witnesses. He had to know that several people saw the interim city clerk and Martin himself bringing flyers to the women who put the Voice together every month. He had to know that the lie would be easily discovered. Didn’t he care? Or maybe be doesn’t comprehend “beyond the moment”?
·         The Martin Chronicles has watched Martin blame the inability to keep his campaign promise to post accurate financials on the city website to “inheriting a mess”.
·         The Martin Chronicles has watched Martin explain his inability to provide access to city records to not being “left even a Post It Note” by his predecessor.
·         The Martin Chronicles has watched Martin explain away the evaporating $120,000 surplus guaranteed  by the absence of an eighth police officer and a city clerk by “problems with the city financials” when he took office on January 1st.
·         The Martin Chronicles has poured over the transcripts of Martin’s forgery arrest and $1.505 million lawsuit against the taxpayers and found him saying time and again, “I didn’t know that then but I know it now.” as an excuse for his questionable behavior.
The facts-many discovered by special counsel Phil Taliaferro- undercut the credence of all of Martin’s preceding comments.
Don’t fall down in shock. But we think we are starting to understand.
Martin seems to be a fellow who lives completely in “the moment”. When confronted with some unpleasant reality, he simply says whatever is necessary to brush it away. True or, more often, not. Not to worry. Martin’s next lie will cover up the last one.
The Martin Chronicles now believes that Mayor Mike Martin simply weaves a “reality” most convenient to him when he is confronted with a potential problem. The truth is not important. There is always another lie to tell. That should give the residents of Villa Hills great pause.