Tuesday, November 8, 2011

A Gentle Warning To The "Sane" Members Of City Council

The Martin Chronicle isn't the least bit shy about admitting that the entire editorial staff of this blog really likes Councilmen Bruns, Ringo, Sogar and Kilburn. We strongly believe that suddenly-resigned Ethics Board chairman Larry McGoven comments about you were bovine scatology. But we have what we'd like to describe as a "gentle warning" to those four fine public servants.

The Martin/Pope/Noll FORTY PERCENT PROPERTY TAX INCREASE PROPOSAL has just been roundly rejected-dare we steal a headline from nky.com and say "REBUKED"-by the voters of Villa Hills.

Please heed the message from the voters guys. Don't do something stupid. You know, like proposing an INCREASE in the hated $40 "sticker fee"! Don't even think about thinking about thinking about thinking about it!

Make Mayor Martin scramble and try to figure out how to keep at least ONE campaign promise. Martin promised "to reduce spending" to find extra money to fix the city's streets.

A few suggestions:
  • DON'T let Martin waste MORE taxpayer dollars building city parking lots or otherwise improve city facilities.
  • DON'T let Martin improperly spend any more taxpayer dollars doing work on PRIVATE PROPERTY. If for no other reason than that is ILLEGAL!
  • DON'T let Martin hire any more clerks. He is already paying Cordelia Schaber $47.50 to foul up his city's books and pays another clerk $15 an hour to come to the city building to eat lunch every day.
  • DON'T let Martin hire any more computer companies.
  • DON'T let Martin's erratic behavior trigger any more LAWSUITS.
  • And when Martin and his Finance Committee chairman Mike Pope fail to provide you accurate-or NO-financial reports at future council meetings, stand up on the council table and shout "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH" to the highest mountain.
We support the way the four of you have stood up to Mayor "CEO"'s out-of-control leadership. Make him start doing something, At least until the special counsel rightly runs him out of town and straight back to Norwood on a rail!