Thursday, November 3, 2011

Late Breaking News: Campaign Law Violations

The Martin Chronicles is pleased to report that it has a tremendous daily readership. Stats show that we get more than 150 new, unique visits daily-and that is tremendous for a blog dealing with a city that is only 3.5 square miles in size. Not shy about self-promotion, we urge our readers to share our link with friends. It is crucial for the future of our city!

Readers are asking why it is a violation of campaign laws for a mayor to use taxpayer money and taxpayer-funded resources for advocacy of a ballot initiative. In this case, the Martin/Pope FORTY PERCENT PROPERTY TAX INCREASE.

Courts across the country have opined that this type of activity DISTORTS THE ELECTORAL PROCESS. A violation brings severe civil penalties. A KNOWING violation brings severe CRIMINAL penalties. Does the fact that Mayor Martin thought it best to use his own paper to print the flyers advocating the passage of the road tax indicate he KNEW something was amiss?

Don't give $315,000 of YOUR MONEY to this out-of-control mayor. Don't reward his third-world dictator management style. Don't vote to give MORE of your hard-earned money to the distorter-in-chief.

Vote NO to his proposed road tax.