Saturday, November 12, 2011

City Website Story: Update

We have been doing a little follow-up on the city website story and the outcome is even funnier than we originally thought. It's a classic example of Mayor Mike Martin's "Mighty Mouse" approach to life. Martin cons people into believing there is a terrible problem and proclaims, "Here I come to save the day"!

Prior to the arrival of Mayor Martin, a young man who was once a member of the Villa Hills Explorer Post and a computer prodigy was assisting a clerk and a police officer to maintain the city website.

Enter Mayor Martin. During his mud-slinging mayoral campaign, Martin vowed to make the website a key communication tool for the residents. Uh-huh. Several months into his administration, Martin was asked why his city website was still "under construction". Always one to assign blame to others, Martin famously said, "I inherited a sloppy website. They had a clerk and police officer uploading information and needed the assistance of some guy who used to be an Explorer. The whole thing didn't make sense."

As we have already reported, Martin squandered tax dollars auditioning companies to "fix" the city website. Then, with little fanfare he re-assigned website duties to the same clerk and police officer who handled them before. That is funny enough.

But it gets richer. The Martin Chronicles has confirmed that Martin is now also using the services of the very same former-Explorer, computer prodigy who was working with the clerk and police officer.

Does that mean Martin has decided he now likes the sloppy way the website was being run before?