Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Finance Committee Meeting Canceled Again!

Last month The Martin Chronicles reported that Councilman Mike Pope's Finance Committee canceled its monthly meeting when they caught wind that an attorney and camera operator planned to attend. We also told you that the attorney and camera operator were determined to come to the November Finance meeting to catch Pope and $47.50 per hour clerk Cordelia Schaber in action.

Well guess what? The November Finance Committee meeting was scheduled for tonight. The attorney and camera operator were ready to go. AND POPE CANCELED THE MEETING AGAIN!

What in the heck is going on? What are Pope, Schaber and Mayor Martin trying to hide? Is it what happened to the "evaporated" $120,000 surplus? Is it the fact that the city attorney's skyrocketing billings are three months behind? Is it the cost of the new parking lot at the city building? Is it the cost of Martin's DOUBLING of the size of the clerical staff? What is it?

We hear the Finance Committee now plans to meet on Monday, November 14th. There is something Mike Pope needs to know. His meeting will be filmed. The film will be posted on YouTube. AND, The Martin Chronicles will post the link so its rapidly growing readership can see the taxpayer RIP-OFF that Villa Hills has become.