Tuesday, November 8, 2011

"THANK YOU" To The Voters Of Viila Hills

The Martin Chronicles would be remiss if we did not offer a "THANK YOU" to the voters of Villa Hills. We would be more remiss if we did not admit that the "THANK YOU" is qualified. We have to admit that we remain disappointed that the voters elected Mike Martin mayor, re-elected Mike Pope to council and made Jim Noll the top vote-getter in the council race. Why? In part because those three ran the scam that was the Martin/Pope/Noll road tax scheme.

It appears the resounding 70/30 DEFEAT of this 40% property tax hike-scam is a classic case of "once bitten, twice shy".

The Martin Chronicles plans to continue to report all the chicanery of Martin, Pope, Noll and others in the years ahead. We strongly suggest that our ever-growing readership never, ever - NEVER lets its' guard down again.

The Martin Chronicles plans to actively campaign against scam artists Pope and Noll in next year's council race. And if the "Deceiver in Chief" Martin somehow manages to bamboozle himself out of the special counsel's investigation, we are coming after him in a MAJOR WAY in the 2014 mayor's race.

Then it will be up to the voters to react in the same way they did to the Martin/Pope/Noll tax scam that they just roundly defeated.