Thursday, November 10, 2011

Here Come The Attacks

The Martin Chronicles spent some time talking with someone who knows Mayor Mike Martin well. He described "The CEO" as "a Norwood street brawler who will sling a truckload of (expletive) against the wall hoping that just enough of it sticks". This former friend of Martin says "the CEO" effectively used the "(expletive) storm" strategy in his successful defense of his forgery charge and triumphant run for the mayor's office.

We are starting to see signs of the (expletive) flying in the aftermath of the colossal defeat of Martin's proposed forty percent property tax hike. Where are we seeing the opening salvo of (expletive) now? The "COMMENTS" section following Villa Hills articles on  

After months of hiding beneath the rocks, anonymous posters have crawled back out and are attacking councilmen, police officers and former city officials. The general theme is that the crushing defeat of the road tax proposal and the hiring of a special counsel are the fault of everyone but Martin. The posters paint a picture of a mayor being victimized by a massive conspiracy.

Doesn't this all sound a bit too familiar?