Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Now The Story We "Teased" Last Night

As we sift through the debris of the train wreck that was the Martin/Pope/Noll 40% property tax hike proposal, more and more stories are found.

The Martin Chronicles has learned that, in the final days preceding the vote, Mayor Martin contacted the gentleman who was placing the "Vote NO" signs throughout Villa Hills. Why? Martin advised the man he had to take all the signs down because they did not have the "paid for by" disclosure on them.

Whoa Nellie! Last time we checked, Martin has not issued an executive order abolishing the First Amendment protections for political speech in Villa Hills. At least not yet. STEEE-RIKE ONE!

Oh, by the way, Kentucky election law does not require the "paid for by" disclosure on signs advocating a position on a ballot initiative. STEEE-RIKE TWO!!

The gentleman distributing signs then asked Martin if he knew who placed the misleading "VOTE 'YES' TO REPEAL THE LICENSE FEE" flyer in the Voice of Villa Hills. It had no "paid for by" disclosure either. Despite the fact that Martin used the city copier and personnel to produce the flyer for the Voice-Martin told the man he had "no idea who was responsible for that flyer". STEEE-RIKE THREE, YOU'RE OUT!!!

At least we hope so. And it can't come soon enough.