Thursday, November 10, 2011

A Little Historical Perspective

Do you remember who Andrew Johnson was?

Give up?

He was the man who had the unhappy task of assuming the presidency in the wake of Abraham Lincoln's assassination.

Do you know what else makes him famous?

Give up?

Johnson was the first American president to be impeached. Just as happened with President Bill Clinton, the Senate failed to convict Johnson after he was impeached by the House of Representatives.

One of Johnson's harshest critics was Pennsylvania Senator Thaddeus Stevens. Stevens is said to have colorfully described President Johnson as, "even dirtier than cartwheel grease". That's pretty darn dirty.

Given all the rampant corruption, fraud and waste we have reported in Mayor Mike Martin's Villa Hills' city government, The Martin Chronicles suspects Senator Stevens would have gone to the next level. You guessed it. Stevens would have described Martin as, "even dirtier than Andrew Johnson".

That, my friends, is flat-out filthy!