Monday, November 14, 2011

Sometimes It's Hard To Keep Up With All The "Truth and Integrity"

The Martin Chronicles has just confirmed that Mayor Mike Martin paid for the "Vote 'YES' To Repeal The $40 License Fee" flier distributed in the most recent edition of the Voice of Villa Hills with a personal check.

Some readers might think we are going to write that a payment with a personal check doesn't derail the recently filed ethics complaint. While that is our belief, that is not the purpose for this post.

Remember when we told you Mayor Martin contacted the gentleman responsible for distributing the yard signs opposing the road tax? Remember when we told you that gentleman respectfully declined to surrender his First Amendment rights?

Here is the big "remember?". Do you remember when the gentleman asked the mayor if he knew who put the flyer in the Voice of Villa Hills and the mayor claimed he knew nothing about it?

Here is our question. If Mayor Martin had no idea who put the flyer in the local paper, WHY IN THE WORLD DID HE PAY FOR IT WITH A PERSONAL CHECK?

Strange, huh?