Thursday, November 17, 2011

Mike Pope: More What's The Point?

The Martin Chronicles knows we can't be the only one who sees Councilman Mike Pope for what he really is. Pope is a dazzling combination of combatively arrogant and totally clueless.
More observations from last night's meeting:

  • Pope and the roads issue. Pope was the guy who wasted a lot of taxpayer money having the city engineer forecast road costs to the year 2200. As the chairman of the finance committee, how can Pope not even know how much money is left to spend on roads this year? This is only "year one" of his 189-year road plan!
  • Pope and the police budget. Pope is always complaining about the police budget. How, after eleven months as the finance committee chairman has he not gotten a handle on the police budget issues?
  • Pope and the budget surplus. Pope was the guy who predicted a six-figure budget surplus earlier this year. Now he says the surplus will be less than $2,000. In reality it will most likely be a deficit. This despite the fact that the city has been down one police officer and a city clerk for almost an entire year. Where did Pope's predicted six-figure surplus go?
  • Pope and his dealings with fellow council members. Pope is the guy who has demonstrated month after month after month that he couldn't explain the city financial records if his life depended on it. How can he say that Councilman George Bruns doesn't know what he is talking about regarding the current state of the city finances?

Quite simply, Mike Pope-what's the point?