Saturday, November 26, 2011

Rhetoric Versus Reality

Encarta World English Dictionary defines a hypocrite as “someone feigning high principles: somebody who pretends to have admirable principles, beliefs or feelings but behaves otherwise”.
·      Does that definition fit someone who campaigned saying that “safety is my first priority” when the results have led to a 25% reduction in police officers, an explosion in police overtime and news stories of increased criminal activity in Villa Hills?
·      Does that definition fit someone who promised to bring “truth and integrity” along with him to the mayor’s office, but inexplicably tells a resident he “has no idea” who is responsible for distributing the “Vote ‘YES’ To Repeal The License Fee” flyer in the Voice of Villa Hills the weekend prior to Election Day and has dealt out jobs and contracts to personal friends?
·      Does that definition fit someone who campaigned promising to repeal the dreaded $40 per car license fee and instead pushed hard for a forty per cent increase in property taxes his first year in office?
·      Does that definition fit someone who promised greater transparency in Villa Hills’ city government yet consistently battles people who place requests to review public documents?
·      Does that definition fit someone who campaigned promising “a fresh start” and yet seems completely mired in a blame game towards all those he believes oppose him?
·      Does that definition fit someone who, as a council member, we are told railed bitterly about what he thought was wasteful spending-including the public works director’s purchase of a garden hose-who has wasted countless thousands of taxpayer dollars doubling the number of clerical employees, driven legal and engineering costs through the roof, and built a new parking lot at the city building?
·      Does that definition fit someone who promised greater cooperation with city council and yet abruptly ends every legitimate policy discussion at council meetings saying, “I’m the CEO, it’s my decision, we’re moving on, get over it”?
The obvious answer is a resounding, “YES”. The Martin Chronicles is keenly aware that hypocrisy is rampant in politics. No big surprise.
But it’s still important (and, we admit a lot of fun) to point it out in a fellow like Mike Martin, who loves to portray himself as the Reverend Billy Graham-but who behaves a whole lot more like Elmer Gantry.