Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Official Road Tax Vote Tally And Analysis

The final numbers on the road tax are as follows:

 YES                                              NO
 756                                             1,805

Again, more than a 70% to 30% rejection of the FORTY PERCENT PROPERTY TAX INCREASE.

The turnout for the vote was so high that precincts ran out of their original allotment of ballots.

Some observations from the article posted on more than two hours after The Martin Chronicles brought you the news of the crushing defeat of the Martin tax proposal.

Martin is quoted, "the status quo won't get us where we need to go (as far as needed road work). I can make recommendations but it really comes down to council and what options they want to pursue". That is a big, old LOOK OUT! It appears Martin plans to continue to go after the collective wallets of Villa Hills residents.

Also, isn't it funny how he tosses it to council in his comments. What happened to "I'm the CEO"? Where is the "It's my decision. We're moving on. GET OVER IT."? Leadership is HARD Mayor Martin. Perhaps Election Day was not the best time for you to be building your new city parking lot in full view of the voters?

You also have to laugh about Martin's lament that the tax was soundly whipped because city officials didn't do enough education. Is that right? If the tax had been defeated by 100, 200, maybe even 300 votes that comment might hold water. But when a tax is defeated by 1,049 votes when only 2,561 votes are cast-that is a wake up call from the voters.

Martin is already floating ideas for other new revenue sources. Raising the motor vehicle license fee (Martin promised to repeal the "sticker fee" when he was campaigning for mayor last year, now he is considering RAISING THE FEE?!?!). Increasing the payroll tax. Increasing the insurance premium tax. Councilman Mike Pope has also been pushing street assessments. Martin hasn't been tagged with the derisive moniker MarTAX for nothing!

We hope the majority of council doesn't take Martin's bait. Hopefully, council members received the real education last night. Council should follow through on Martin's broken campaign promise TO CUT SPENDING FIRST because its clear Martin won't.

Lastly, thanks to the reporter for acknowledging the impact of "anonymous online blogs" on the election outcome. But we aren't "anonymous". We're The Martin Chronicles! And The Martin Chronicles was most happy to help!