Thursday, November 17, 2011

Mike Pope: What's The Point?

After watching last night's Villa Hills' city council meeting, The Martin Chronicles believes it may make sense for the rest of his council mates to simply ignore Mike Pope. If for no other reason than to keep their own sanity. After all, what's the point?

Pope is never an agreeable fellow. But last night was a new low even for him. He loves to criticize the ideas of others but never proposes an alternative solution. By now that should be no surprise to anyone. So why deal with him? What's the point?

Pope is also always quick to criticize the police department. Last night he cited them as the primary reason for the ongoing, fouled-up mess with the city financials. We wonder if Mr. Pope has ever had a meeting with the police chief to discuss the financials? Has there been any sincere attempt to resolve whatever it is that Pope believes is causing the confusion? We have good reason to believe the answer is "no". Why bother? What's the point?

By now council has to see it. He baits them and when they take the bait, he sits back with a perverse grin. It is the grin of someone trying to hide the fact that they just took a big gulp of rancid milk. What's the point?

Pope has no intention of ever providing his fellow council members with decipherable financial reports. He says the law doesn't require him to do so. And, the city attorney heartily agrees. What's the point?

While it represents a change in our previous position, The Martin Chronicles now thinks there is no purpose in council expecting Pope to ever provide accurate financial reports to them. Despite the fact that he always downplayed the value of annual audits in the past, Pope will most likely now hide behind a "clean" audit report. No need for council oversight. Let it go. What's the point?

Here's the beauty of it. Mike Pope, and his mentor Mayor Martin, have complete ownership of the growing mess. Maybe that's the point.