Sunday, November 13, 2011

So Bad It Was Banned!

The Martin Chronicles has already reported about Mayor Martin's life-long strategy of throwing enough (EXPLETIVE) against the wall, hoping enough of it sticks. Such is the life of an uneducated Norwood street brawler.

Believe it or not, had its' fill of the (EXPLETIVE).

Using a libelous screen name, Martin or one of his dwindling group of supporters was posting equally libelous and defamatory attacks against city employees and former city officials. The problem? None of those being attacked are public figures. Even is smart enough to understand the libel threshold for private citizens is much, much lower.

The only defense against a charge of libel? Well, that would be THE TRUTH.

We suspect read the judges' Order of Dismissal when it embarrassingly tossed Martin's $1.505 lawsuit against the taxpayers out of court. The dismissal derisively wrote that "Martin was 'barking up the wrong tree' with his allegations against two police officers and his predecessor."

We aren't going to repeat what was in the libelous posts. If you haven't seen 'em, you never will. At least until the Norwoodians conjure up a new screen name.

That's leadership?