Thursday, November 3, 2011

Martin Violates Campaign Laws?

The Martin Chronicles acknowledges that there are so many crazy things going on in Villa Hills' Mayor Mike Martin's dysfunctional city government that it becomes hard to digest it all. But that isn't going to stop us from reporting it. We understand that some of it may make you feel sick. But you need to know.

The latest example of disregard for the law? You may have seen a flyer in the most recent edition of The Voice of Villa Hills newspaper titled, "VOTE 'YES' ON BALLOT INITIATIVE TO REPEAL VEHICLE STICKER FEE". While you couldn't tell by reading it - the flyer is Martin's "brainchild". More on that in a moment. First, Martin's wildly misleading headline.

A "YES" vote on next Tuesday's ballot initiative is not for the purpose of repealing the dreaded $40 "sticker tax". A "YES" vote is to RAISE YOUR PROPERTY TAXES BY FORTY PERCENT. And unless you are one of the fortunate 8% or so in the city who live in a relatively inexpensive home and put stickers on four or more cars-YOUR TAXES ARE GOING TO GO UP SIGNIFICANTLY. This incredible claim by Martin is the equivalent of French Revolution leader Robespierre claiming he used the guillotine to lop off the heads of thousands of political opponents to help them get rid of their headaches.

Now the campaign law issues. We do have independent confirmation from multiple sources that Martin arrived at the police department with his own paper. BUT, these same sources confirm he made the 2,800 copies of the flyer ON A CITY COPIER. AND, he used taxpayer-funded clerical help to get it done.

The organized opposition to the road tax may have campaign law issues of their own. But that is their matter to deal with. They are NOT using taxpayer money or public resources to advance their views.

The taxpayers of Villa Hills do have an issue with their city government. Courts all across the United States have made it very clear. The city government CANNOT use taxpayer money or public resources to advocate for a ballot initiative. But that is precisely what Mayor Martin did.