Tuesday, November 15, 2011

November Council Meeting Is Tomorrow Night

The November Villa Hills City Council meeting is this Wednesday, November 16 beginning at 7PM. If you cannot attend in person, the meeting will be broadcast live on Insight Channel 16.
The Martin Chronicles understands. We all have busy lives. But we hope you do whatever you can to stay informed about what is happening in your city government.
Some of the things we all might learn by watching the meeting:
·         What do Mayor Martin and the council plan to do regarding street repair in the aftermath of the lop-sided defeat of the road tax?
·         What progress is being made to recruit and hire a new police officer to replace the one who moved on weeks ago?
·         Will Mayor Martin reconsider his refusal to bring the police department back up to full 8-man strength given the great concern about license fee compliance?
·         How did the auditors do their work if Mayor Martin is being truthful about all the city records having gone missing?
·         Will Finance Committee Chairman Mike Pope provide accurate financial reports to council for their review?
A brief aside. If you look at the TBNK’s meeting schedule for this Wednesday night, they plan to air a replay of Elsmere’s November meeting starting at 9 o’clock. Given the marathon nature of the last several Villa Hills’ council meetings, the TBNK may be overly optimistic.
Again, we know the meetings can be tough to watch. But stay informed.