Friday, November 11, 2011

The "New Tax" Tar Baby

The Martin Chronicles thinks the four “sane” members of Villa Hills’ city council are probably Baby Boomers. If we are correct about that, we hope that they have at least a dim memory of the Uncle Remus stories retold in Disney’s Song of the South.
If they don’t remember, they may want to reacquaint themselves with the story of “Br’er Rabbit and the tar baby”. It is a cautionary tale that is directly related to their travails with Mayor Mike Martin. This Uncle Remus parable is a warning to people that some problems only get worse when you struggle with them.
We understand how frustrating it must be to deal with someone who is as loose with the facts as Mayor Martin. A direct question prompts a mayoral shuck and jive that could leave the uninitiated head’s spinning. But council has dealt with the mayor’s tap dance routine for almost a year now. They can’t allow themselves to do what Br’er Rabbit did, reaching out to a “new tax” tar baby built by Martin and getting hopelessly stuck to it.
Martin and his council allies Mike Pope and Jim Noll spent the last couple of months trying to convince the voters that it was a great idea to vote themselves a massive tax increase. Why, because then the three of them could claim phony political credit for "getting rid of the license fee". All but 29% of the voters saw through their deception.
The Martin/Pope/Noll tax proposal was CRUSHED by the voters. Even still, Martin is already talking about raising all kinds of other taxes-allegedly for the purpose street repair. Council, don’t grab on out of your frustration. You will be grabbing on to the proverbial tar baby built for you out of higher taxes by Martin. And you will never be able to let go! The voters won’t let you.
Martin is the one who said he would repeal the dreaded $40 “sticker tax” and squeeze the money for needed street repair out of the current budget. Wait for him to show you exactly how he plans to do it. That will be truly fun to watch.
Whatever you do, keep your hands off Martin’s “new tax” tar baby!