Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Sources Say McGovern's Exiting Comments "Classless"

Sayings become "old sayings" because they contain a great deal of truth. Not many are older than "Don't burn any bridges". It appears that is exactly what Villa Hills' just-resigned Chairman Larry McGovern did on his way out the door. McGovern cited personal reasons for the primary reason for his abrupt departure. Fair enough. Great place to stop. But he also took several shots at city council in his resignation letter.

By most accounts Larry McGovern is a decent guy. He has community spirit and a sense of volunteerism. But he has now also added the "sour grapes" tag to his resume. We could assign blame to The Community Recorder reporter for baiting McGovern. Except that McGovern included some inartful comments in his resignation letter.

McGovern wrote that he is "sick of the mob mentality that exists within our current council". The Martin Chronicles believes McGovern is familiar with mob mentalities. He has been a director of the Villa Hills Civic Club for years. We are confident he has seen the boys at the club get whipped into a mindless frenzy on numerous occasions.

We don't believe that standing up for a properly-staffed police department, asking questions about the destruction of city property, expecting accurate financial reporting in order to do proper oversight, the rejection of cronyism or concern about retaliation and harassment against employees exemplifies a "mob mentality". Doing these things is council's sworn duty and an example of good government.

It is also hard for Larry McGovern to question council's integrity when it was his leaked e-mail that suggested holding a meeting of the Ethics Board in the back room of a bar outside the city limits. C'mon man!.

And McGovern's expressed concern for council's lack of civility? Unless he is including a mayor who regularly beats his chest, describes himself as "the CEO" and ends council discussions with "It's my decision. Get over it. We're moving on." Again, C'mon man!

McGovern also advised his ethics colleagues that he is convinced at least one council member is leaking information to The Whistleblower Newswire. Our response? We hope so! Because without the good old 'Blower the Martin administration would be operating completely under the cover of darkness. The Whistleblower has broken countless stories over the past eleven months that are later covered by The Kentucky Enquirer, Community Recorder and nky.com.

Let's end this story on a positive note. Thanks for all you did Mr. McGovern. The Martin Chronicles believes you picked a smart time to move on.