Wednesday, May 2, 2012

See The Sign Post Up Ahead

Yes, The Martin Chronicles says, "see the sign post up ahead!" No, it doesn't say The Twilight Zone. Although Villa Hills has certainly seemed like Rod Serling territory since the beginning of 2011. And it has only gotten stranger by the day.

So what does the sign say? It says "Mayor Martin Please Resign Now". These polite but direct signs are popping up all over the City of Villa Hills. Why? Because Special Counsel's Monday presentation of the initial findings of their investigation of Mayor Mike Martin blew a gaping hole in the side of Martin's specious Unahandyman Manifesto's claim that people "are getting what they voted for".

If you are still trying to decide exactly what has been happening, remember Martin's now-famous pronouncement. "I am the CEO. It's My Decision. We're moving on. Get over it." It is now time for him to take full ownership for the disaster he has created.

By the way, our reporters have learned that you can get a yard sign to display by emailing