Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Martin Caught In Colossal Lie

The Martin Chronicles is watching tonight's Villa Hills City Council meeting with amazement. Mayor Mike Martin repeated his lie about not having the opportunity to talk to Phil Taliaferro's "company"(?) about the inaccuracies in Special Counsel's report.

Mr. Taliaferro laid the paper trail in front of Martin exposing the "LITTLE CEO" to the world for the LIAR that he is. Martin was asked to sign it and could only lamely respond that he would not sign anything before talking to his attorney. Uh-oh.

By the way, "Mommie Dearest" is back. Mary Koenig, the former council woman who foisted Steve Clark on the City of Villa Hills has now taken on the role of Mike Martin's chief defender. The Martin Chronicles couldn't be happier.

If Councilmen Pope and or Noll endorse the mayor's criminal behavior and vote against removing Martin in the upcoming removal hearing, a slate of candidates should run promising the voters that they will remove Martin from office to get the City back in track.

If the voters then reward Martin for his criminal activity, the City deserves whatever it gets.