Wednesday, May 2, 2012

They Want Him To Go Somewhere

The Martin Chronicles really tries to avoid the cheap shot. Yes, we can be a bit sarcastic. And we have no problem pointing out the misdeeds of (how might The Kentucky Enquirer headline writer put it?) "embattled" Villa Hills Mayor Mike Martin. We also have no problem skewering bad actors like Councilmen Mike Pope and Jim Noll, $47.50 per hour uncontracted-contract clerk/bookkeeper Cordelia Schaber and the bilious, bloviating, taxpayer-dollar-squandering-on-granite-counter-tops-while-adding-an-UNFAIR-$35-per-car-STICKER-TAX County Boss Steve Arlinghaus. But we will always call 'em as we see and hear 'em.

One of our reporters was grabbing a quick dinner at a local chili parlor before getting back on the trail of yet another shocking story lead. What was overheard is worth reporting mostly because it is a sign of how bad things are going in war-torn Villa Hills at the moment.

Two women were discussing the shocking news reports of Martin's illegal activity at the next table. Their conversation went like this.

"Do you believe what a mess Martin has made in such a short time. Do you think he's a crook or just really stupid?"

"I think he's a whole lot of both."

"You know, if I have to hear about Martin's so-called charity trips to Haiti one more time I think I'm going to throw up."

"Yeah, what a phony do-gooder. To tell you the truth, I couldn't care less if he goes to Haiti. Everyone in the City would be a whole lot better off if he just went to HADES."

Both women got a great laugh at that. So did our reporter. But now he had better finish his cheese coneys and get back to work!