Thursday, May 17, 2012

Last Night Was A Serious Turn

The Martin Chronicles believes even Villa Hills Mayor Mike Martin is beginning to understand the seriousness of the situation in which he has placed himself and the taxpayers. Martin's dishonesty was laid bare before God and the cameras at last night's council meeting.

Early in the meeting Martin was caught lying when he claimed he had never been given the opportunity to meet with Phil Taliaferro's "company(?)". When Martin was asked about what the "inaccuracies" in Special Counsel's report were he oddly replied, "That's coming". Will they come before or after Martin's City budget proposal? It won't matter anyway. It is clear Martin is lying about everything.

Martin and city council had a lengthy executive session. Sources say that the closed door session must have been extremely contentious, judging by the volume of the shouting. Never a sign that things are going well.

Council delivered several hay-makers to Martin when they returned from executive session. Martin was slapped with FOUR REPRIMANDS involving open records violations, employee retaliation, misuse of City personnel and resources and destruction of City property. Council also voted to turn over all the evidence of Martin's unlicensed electrical, plumbing and commercial work to the proper authorities.

The Martin Chronicles finds it interesting that Martin's City records destruction was not mentioned. We suspect that one reason it was absent is the lawsuit filed by a City employee against Martin.

We aren't sure how much that matters at this point. A judge already rebuked Martin for his "records barbecue". Martin's attorney had no answer whatsoever for why his client would destroy records in the middle of a lawsuit. It is hard to imagine that the City's position could be weakened any further. Martin has made it about as bad as it can possibly get.

So why else wasn't it mentioned? We believe the wanton document destruction and Martin's ham-handed attempt to cover it up will be the most serious charge in a looming removal hearing.