Saturday, May 5, 2012

Here He Goes Again

The Martin Chronicles began to predict it months ago. We've watched it as it began to unfold. What is that? It's the way Villa Hills Mayor Mike Martin operates. It's The infamous "Martin way". Anyone who dares to challenge "the Little CEO" is going to be attacked. Not with the facts and the issues. They are attacked with a mud spray of baseless allegations, lies and all manner of retaliation.

Martin falsely accuses a police officer of committing perjury. Martin files a baseless complaint against the Voice of Villa Hills with the Better Business Bureau. Martin demands Councilman Tim Sogar's resignation because Sogar doesn't have an occupational license-that he doesn't need. Martin files false police reports against people on his paranoid enemies list. Martin goes door-to-door with his childish Unahandyman Manifesto, blaming everything that has gone wrong over the past sixteen-plus months of his dreadful administration on everyone else but himself.

Why does Martin do this? Mostly because it has worked. At least so far. Armpit-scratchers at the Civic Club have lapped it up. Tri-cornered hat wearing, government-hating fanatics hear it and begin to wave their "Don't Tread On Me" flags. The sanctimonious, holier-than-thou St. Joes' Heavy Drinking Men's Society members throw their stones at those who Martin identifies as "sinners". Granite counter-top head County Boss Steve Arlinghaus never misses an opportunity to describe a serious investigation as "a witch hunt".

Martin portrays himself as the perpetual victim. Martin wants others to see him as some good-government messiah sent down from Norwood to fight the Pharisees and Romans who persecute Martin for his belief in his twisted versions of "Truth and Integrity". People won't work with him and simply want to undo the results of the last election. He goes to Haiti to do charity work after all. Remember Martin's own words, "I don't believe I have made any mistakes".

The Martin Chronicles will be obtaining evidence of the most glaring example of the "Martin Way" to date sometime today. Martin's latest false attack is a result of Monday's devastating Special Counsel report that revealed all the misconduct of the last sixteen-plus months.

Stay tuned.