Thursday, May 17, 2012

By The Numbers

The Martin Chronicles is rapidly approaching another readership milestone. We are hours away from hosting "unique visitor" 35,000! With all modesty, we had no idea that our audience would grow so quickly when we launched on October 8, 2011. But then we didn't know that Villa Hills Mayor Martin would (EXPLETIVE) things up so badly and at such a rapid pace either! Neither our loyal audience nor "The Little CEO" have let us down!

Martin's budget numbers may be DOA. But while we are celebrating our BIG NUMBER, we think some other numbers are worth looking at.

$47.50: The amount of money YOU are paying Martin crony Cordelia Schaber per hour to foul up the City's finances.
$15: The unprecedented-for-part-time amount of money YOU paid Martin crony Mary Hardman per hour to serve as a scapegoat for Martin's illegal City records destruction.
1: The number of the polite "Mayor Martin Please Resign Now" signs witnesses are sure Phil and Regina Harmon have stolen.
2: The number of times Martin told council that the falsified document he gave them listed all the City records he improperly destroyed on January 5, 2012.
$125,000: The amount of the budget amendment Martin pleaded with council to pass. Also YOUR money.
$10,200: The amount of YOUR money Martin squandered on City Attorney fees in April alone.
$65,000: The amount of YOUR money Martin has over-spent on City Attorney fees this year.
$75,000: The amount of YOUR money Martin cost the City's Roads Program by his bonehead move of the UNFAIR $40 PER CAR STICKER TAX collection to that bilious blowhard County Boss Steve Arlinghaus' Court House.
173: The number of days until this year's council election. Will Martin still be around and campaigning for you to vote him a council majority who will allow him to do as he pleases?
15: The number of Civic Club candidates Martin co-defendant Dale Schaber hopes to run in the upcoming council election.
18: The number of orange red cones in the TAXPAYER-FUNDED, crater-filled, Mike Martin personal concrete parking lot at the City Building!
0: The percent of REAL ROAD REPAIR Martin has done with the UNFAIR $40 PER CAR STICKER TAX since taking office.
901: The number of days Martin will have to wreak havoc with YOUR money if he remains in office for his entire term.
2: The number of police officers YOUR department has been short-handed for many, many, many months.
3: The number of unfilled City positions for many, many, many months. So how is it again that Martin has the City swimming in an ocean of red ink?
3: Also the same number of times Martin claims either he or Cordelia Schaber found the same $30,000 that neither of them ever found.
70: Martin's estimated IQ.
139: The number of days since Martin declined Special Counsel's invitation to cooperate with their investigation. This despite Martin's HUGE LIE about not being asked to sit down with Phil Taliaferro's "company"!

Despite all the numbers, there is something about Martin that just doesn't add up.

[EDITOR'S NOTE: We will have reports on last night's very eventful council meeting in the hours ahead.]