Thursday, May 10, 2012

Monday Mayhem Update

The Martin Chronicles believes that the root cause for the embarrassments of Monday night is the tremendous turmoil created by Villa Hills Mayor Mike Martin. Every time you think it just can't get any worse in that devastated City, someone finds a way.

First, the sign snatchers. Phil Harmon (a Martin appointee to the City's Civil Service Board) and his wife Regina are caught red-handed grabbing a "Mayor Martin Please Resign Now" sign, throwing it in their truck and making a break for the City limits. We have learned that the police recovered the sign and returned it to the rightful owner.

How hypocritical is this? What kind of people can reach their hands into the serpent box on Sunday and get caught snatching someone else's political sign on Monday? Devout members of the First Church of Martin, that's who. Phil Harmon should resign from the Civil Service Board immediately. The City government doesn't need even one more sanctimonious, holier-than-thou phony.

He needs to get out and get out now. No excuses. No Martin-style double-talk. No defense for what he and his wife Regina did. Doesn't matter where the sign was. Could have been in front of the City sign. Could have been in from of the City Building. Could have been on the flippin' Moon. Could have been anywhere. They had no legal right to grab it. No authority. What they did was against the law. Zip it. Shut it up. Stifle it. Bag it. Sack it. Pack it in. And just go away.

And then there was Villa-Hills-made-a-nice-stepping-stone-on-my-way-to-the-State-Senate-"you-have-a-sexy-voice"- Councilfarce Jim Noll. Noll didn't spend his Monday night finally reviewing the forty-five page Special Counsel report. Noll didn't spend even a minute worrying about a legitimate way to bring an end to the mess in Villa Hills. No thoughtful consideration of his current sworn duties. Those duties don't matter to Noll. They never did.

No, Noll was campaigning for State Senate at the Ft. Mitchell City Council Meeting. He went so far as to dump criticism on his home town of Villa Hills while grabbing televised "face time". So digusting. So disgraceful. So sickening. So Noll.

Look Jimbo, if you can't find the time to represent the City you were elected to serve in November 2010, why don't you just get the (EXPLETIVE) out now. We don't need you. You are wasting everyone's time. We already have Martin.

Perhaps Martin is really moving the City downward? If so, it's still a long, long, loooooong way to the bottom. But he's well on his way.