Monday, May 28, 2012

TUESDAY TEASE: A Rush For More Red Ink?

Yes, The Martin Chronicles staff needs the "R&R" on this Memorial Day weekend. Our publisher has been very kind to us since our 72 hour pass began Friday. We have been working very hard for many, many months reporting on Villa Hills Mayor Mike Martin's mess after all.

But we have still been keeping a watchful eye on Martin. What else can you do when you are trying to cover someone who is simultaneously so incompetent and corrupt?

During our "pool and mimosa" break we have obtained an email that betrays another stunning example of Martin's "Reign of Error". He wants to add tens of thousands of reckless RED INK-your tax dollars-to a budget that is already so far gone that he is fretting about losing his "wife's house(?)".

Tune in to the "Old MC" early tomorrow to read about Martin's latest reckless behavior.