Tuesday, May 29, 2012

How Did THIS sneak up on the CEO?

As we have told you, The Martin Chronicles spent several months doing research and developing several very reliable sources before launching our plucky little blog on October 8, 2011. We have a library full of all of the broken promises and flat-out lies of Villa Hills Mayor Mike Martin stretching back years. And there have been a mountain of both.

Do your remember any of the statements Martin made during his dirtbag 2010 mayoral campaign? Sure you do. But if you don't, we have them all. How about this one? Martin claimed that "safety is my first priority". You don't say?

Do you remember Martin's defense of his refusal to bring the Villa Hills Police Department up to full strength? We have the DVD if you don't. "The first thing I looked at after being elected was the police department." No kidding? Are you sure you want to stay with that?

We are also sure all of our readers are aware that Villa Hills fiscal year ends in a little more that thirty days. Martin has inexplicably delayed the release of his budget proposal for the next fiscal year. He claims he has been doing a lot of "tweaking".

The Martin Chronicles has obtained an email sent Saturday, May 26 that clearly demonstrates that Martin's "tweaking" missed something very important. What he missed is directly related to the item he claims is his "first priority". What he missed is directly related to the area he claims he looked at first.
As has been The Martin Chronicles strict policy, we are reprinting Martin's email in its original form. Missing words, bad grammar and strong evidence of poor governance included.


I would like to have a special either Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday this week to talk about police cruisers. I believe we now have three in for repairs and the trend is continuing to get worst.

Chief will be putting together some info (age and recent cost of repairs etc.) for us to review.

I would to get the approval to order at least 2 new vehicles now. If we have to take money out of reserves and later finance them depending on the interest rates."

Please get back with as soon as possible so if you agree to the meeting I can get it posted".
So Martin wants to rush a special meeting? Despite the fact that their is already a serious concern about previous secret meetings? 

The CEO wants to add tens of thousands of dollars more in red ink? How could something like this sneak up on Martin after his endless hours of " budget tweaking"? We suspect the "Don't Tread On Me" flags that were waved in support of Martin in 2010 by the Tea Partiers, Liberty Leaguers, home schoolers and various-and-sundry-other-tri-cornered-hat-wearing-government-haters are suddenly going to go limp.

How is it after seventeen dreadful months that Martin is just now having the Chief "put together some info" on the age and cost of repairs for the rust bucket fleet of Villa Hills Police Cruisers? At best, this sounds a lot like "shoddy at best" mismanagement to us.

Where has Councilman Mike Pope's Finance committee been? How could they miss this glaring problem for seventeen long months. Isn't Pope an accountant? Are they going to support dipping in to the City's dwindling cash reserves yet again?

We have posted about the sorry condition of the VHPD's police vehicles before. If we knew it, how in the world did this fact slip past Martin? How could a person who claims that safety is his first priority not know it? How could a person who said that the first thing he studied when he took office was the police department not see it?

There are two explanations. One is complete incompetence. The other is that Martin was lying about what his first priority is and his first look was. The Martin Chronicles knows the explanation involves an unhealthy dose of both.

We can just imagine. "I didn't know we needed several police vehicles then. But I know it now."