Tuesday, May 1, 2012

More About Monday's Presentation

The Martin Chronicles is convinced that, despite every media outlet reporting that Villa Hills Mayor Mike Martin has indeed engaged in all manner of official misconduct, Martin is happy. Why? Because he has survived for a little while longer. That does not bode well for the war-torn City.

Yes, Special Counsel's presentation was disjointed. It lacked the necessary focus to make it crystal clear to everyone-especially the log-thumping vine-swingers who were there from the Civic Club- to fully understand what Martin has done.

Here are the FACTS. 9 of the 11 areas examined clearly revealed Martin's misconduct. Despite his cloying protestations to the contrary, Martin has been caught red-handed. Moving the City forward? Not hardly.

This isn't about over-turning the outcome of any election. 2010, 2000, 1996, 1972, 1824, any election. This is about Martin. His misconduct. His mismanagement. His over-spending. His retaliatory decimation of the police department. His crony-hires. His wanton destruction of documents. His Open Records violations. His Ethics violations. His lies. And much more. He has over-turned the City that was voted the Number One City in Northern Kentucky into the laughing stock of the region.

That has become undeniably clear. Serious people get it.