Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Budget Buffoonery TOP TEN

Even The Martin Chronicles is shocked by Villa Hills Mayor Mike Martin's abject incompetence in producing a budget proposal for Fiscal Year 2013. Villa Hills' fiscal year ends on June 30. Unless Martin can somehow get his act together (did we just write that?!?!) and ram his budget proposal past what should be a highly skeptical city council over the next 40 days, Villa Hills will enter its second consecutive year without a new budget under Martin's failed leadership.

The best part? At last Wednesday's meeting Martin promised the city council that he would have his budget proposal to them within twenty-four hours. Well, let's see. That would have been some time last Thursday night. That would have been five days ago-and counting. We believe Martin's ineptitude merits a Jed Clampett-esque, "Pitiful, pitiful, pitiful.

But we are sure Martin will have an excuse at the ready. The Martin Chronicles has developed "THE TOP TEN REASONS WHY MARTIN CAN'T PRODUCE A BUDGET PROPOSAL".

10. My head told me I was too busy working on my parade.

9.   My heart told me I had to do a lot more "tweaking". Too many "inaccuracies".

8.   A resident flagged me down on my way to the City Building and provided great budget ideas that made me want to do a lot more "tweaking".

7.   I don't care what the meeting playback shows, I never said I would have the budget to you in twenty-four hours. That's your opinion. Deal with it. We're moving on.

6.   I never had the chance to sit down and talk with Phil Taliaferro's "company(?)". 

5.   The council won't work with me.

4.   I've been very busy facing and overcoming so many obstacles. Being CEO is hard.

3.   It's that last mayor's fault for not leaving me a Post-It Note or paperclip.

2.   It's really MARY HARDMAN'S job to prepare the budget proposal.


1.   I didn't know I needed to prepare the budget then. But I know I need to prepare the budget now.