Sunday, May 27, 2012


The Martin Chronicles knows its extremely hot. That is why our entire staff is spending most of their weekend celebrating around the pool on the palatial estate of our beloved publisher. Take the appropriate precautions to make it a continued safe and happy Memorial Day weekend. Make sure you stay hydrated. Wear loose-fitting, light-colored clothes. Wear the appropriate amount of sunscreen.

And remember, no matter how hot it gets . . . no matter how much you sweat . . . you aren't dealing with anywhere near the amount of deserved heat facing Villa Hills Mayor Mike Martin.

We know our regular readers. They are a group who really does know the truth and are people of integrity. For those Branch Norwoodians who read us and get upset because they can't figure out how we have found out so much about the havoc your hero is wreaking on your embattled city-deal with it. Why? Because we are going to continue to move on with our mission.

We have some questions for those of you who continue to defend the indefensible or choose to wring your hands or stick your head in the sand.

  • Are you really okay with a mayor who earns his living as a dishonest contractor who does electrical, plumbing and commercial work without a license? How can such a "civic leader" protect you from other dishonest contractors?
  • Are you really okay with a mayor who avoids paying for required permits and evades fees and taxes in his own business?
  • Are you really okay with a mayor who ignores the strong advice of the City Attorney and the City's insurance company and proceeds with the destruction of documents in the middle of a serious lawsuit? A judge very directly expressed that she was not at an April 26 court hearing.
  • Are you really okay with a mayor who falsified documents in a dishonest attempt to cover up his destruction of City records? Again, that is a fact that was proven both in court and by the Special Counsel's investigation.
  • Are you really okay with the fact that Martin's wanton destruction of City records has become a cornerstone in another lawsuit filed against you as a taxpayer?
  • Are you really okay with a mayor who has decimated your police department as a matter of official policy? 
  • Are you really okay with a mayor who consciously ignored serious warnings about sexual harassment in the workplace he was foolishly elected to oversee?

These are just seven questions of dozens we could ask you. The Martin Chronicles is severely disappointed in those who answered any of the questions "yes".

For those of you who aren't okay with this, there is something you should do. You need to let City Council-especially Councilmen Pope and Noll-know that this is not acceptable.

You need to email them and let them know they must hold a removal hearing and they must be open to voting "yes" if the evidence supports removing Martin. Not to undo an election. It has nothing to do with that and everything to do with Martin's misconduct over these last seventeen months.

It should be done to give Villa Hills a fighting chance to get back on track.