Thursday, May 3, 2012

Bless The Beasts And The Clueless

The Martin Chronicles was fairly impressed with Wednesday's Kentucky Enquirer article "Villa Hills reacts to investigation of mayor". Cindy Schroeder did a solid job of laying out the very real issues facing one Mayor Mike Martin. We were not quite so impressed with a few of the "reactions".

First, County Boss Steve Arlinghaus. Old "Granite Counter-Top Head" is a ghastly joke. Never has one man offered so many opinions so totally devoid of fact. He should get back to the work of misusing County taxpayer money on some more unnecessary remodeling and just shut the (EXPLETIVE) up.

The comments by the sainted Villa Hills couple (whose names we will withhold) quoted by Schroeder are a different story. Those comments are both clueless, and worse yet, dangerous. How can anyone who looks at the facts say everyone just needs to gather around a bonfire, roast marshmallows and sing Kumbaya? C'mon, man! Instead of fretting about why everyone can't just get along, perhaps they may want to pay a little attention to what has been happening.

  • Did they miss the part of the presentation that plainly laid out that Martin has been involved in a wide range of illegal activity?
  • Do they know that Martin began lying to council even before the January, 2011 meeting when he assured them that he had never done any unlicensed electrical work?
  • Where were they when Martin brushed aside council's concerns about his 2011 budget proposal and decimation of the Villa Hills Police Department with his pompous, "I'm the CEO. It's my decision. We're moving on. Get over it."?
  • Are they aware that Martin filed a retaliatory Better Business Bureau complaint against the Voice of Villa Hills?
  • What do they think of Mike and Janet Martin both filing false police reports to cause problems for people on their paranoid "enemies list"?
  • Why do they think council should simply roll over and pass a six-figure budget amendment months before it is necessary?
  • Don't these two-and others who think like them-realize that Martin wasn't the only one who won an election. Ringo, Bruns, Kilburn, Sogar, Noll and Pope won their election as well. The voters gave them the right to stand up for what they believe in too. That is what they are doing.

The couple quoted in Cindy Schroeder's article are the salt of the Earth. They are excellent people. But can they please explain why they believe council should simply ignore Martin's corruption, mismanagement and incompetence? Should they all just sit around the council table on the third Wednesday of every month singing We are the World?

How will that ultimately make their community better?