Monday, May 14, 2012

AFTERNOON UPDATE: Give Martin A Chance!

The Martin Chronicles just can't stop chuckling about the lament of those hand-wringing peaceniks who commented to the Kentucky Enquirer that the old meanies on council just haven't given Villa Hills Mayor Mike Martin "a chance". The fact of the matter is that the "Little CEO" started to lie to those council members even before the January 2011 council meeting.

With barf bags nearby, we went back and watched the January 2011 council meeting. The peaceniks should do the same thing. What we saw and they would see was a veritable lovefest. Until something happened that Martin didn't like. When Martin learned that the building inspection responsibilities had been shifted to the police department the little fella went ballistic. Martin was so over the top that the City Attorney advised him to be quiet. Always knowing better, Martin continued on his rant anyway.

So why was the "Little Man From Norwood" so upset? Because the City's Civil Service ordinance would now make it far harder for him to (EXPLETIVE) over Joe Schutzman. Martin ran for mayor to exact Branch Norwoodian-style vengeance on all of those people who had wronged him. Martin believed Schutzman exposed him to public humiliation over Martin's forgery rap. It was supposed to be payback time. Now it was going to be harder. It has been all downhill ever since.

So how would things be different if council had given Martin a chance?

  • Police Chief Dan Goodenough and Assistant Chief Joe Schutzman would have been sentenced to the gulag long ago.
  • The City would be sinking into an even deeper sea of red ink.
  • The taxpayers would be exposed to even more serious lawsuits.
  • Martin would be holding weekly City "weenie roasts" using City records as kindling.
  • No one would ever get an Open Records request filled. Not now. Not ever, Never.
  • Phil and Regina Harmon would be contracted by Martin to serve as the official City First Amendment deniers.
  • Sexual harassment of City employees would be more than simply ignored. It would become an official City policy.
  • Martin would not only continue to do illegal electrical and plumbing work, he would use the City offices as World Headquarters of Mike Martin Electric, Inc. Uh, wait a minute. He is already doing that.
  • Martin would crush every piece of City equipment with a back hoe. Hey, why not? He's the CEO. It's his decision. We're moving on. Deal with it.
  • Every single meeting would be a secret meeting. Shoot, they are a lot more fun!
  • Martin would file false police reports against every resident. Why? Again, because he is the CEO.
  • Martin would file even more bogus Better Business Bureau complaints against any rival or enemy.
  • Council would pass Martin's annual $3MILLION-PLUS budget without question and give him an additional budget amendment of $1MILLION at the very beginning of each fiscal year.
Let's get the peaceniks, Civic Club pinheads, sanctimonious, holier than thou members of the St. Joe's Heavy Drinking Men's Society and embittered, old tree huggers in the parking lot of the Police Department during Wednesday's council meeting with guitars, tambourines and a drum kit singing a song to support their cause. The Martin Chronicles is even humbly suggesting the lyrics for them to sing to the tune of John Lennon's great Give Peace a Chance.

Everybody's talkin' bout lyin', fryin', cronyism, phonyism, finger-pointin', blame-layin'
this-ism', that-ism'

All we are saaaaaa-ying - is give Martin a chance!
All we are saaaaaa-ying - is give Martin a chance!

Everybody's talkin' 'bout 'lectricians, plumbers, licenses, commercial work, gum-chewing quirks, harassed clerks, what a jerk

All we are saaaaaa-ying - is give Martin a chance!
All we are saaaaaa-ying - is give Martin a chance!

(Let me tell you now)
Everybody's talkin' 'bout mediation, conflagration, celebration, resignation,
CEO's, EIO's, Uh-oh's and Oh-no's

All we are saaaaaa-ying - is give Martin a chance!
All we are saaaaaa-ying - is give Martin a chance!

(Here we go)
Everybody's talkin 'bout double standards, booze tankards, time clocks, prayer flocks,
witch hunts, mob stunts, red ink, group think

All we are saaaaaa-ying - is give Martin a chance!
All we are saaaaaa-ying - is give Martin a chance!

(Repeat for the rest of the night.)

Isn't this fun?