Wednesday, May 16, 2012

STILL No Budget!

The Martin Chronicles reminds all of the sleepy Villa Hills residents who are still foolishly standing on the sidelines that it is mid-May. State statute mandates that the mayor present a new budget for passage by the end of the fiscal year. In Villa Hills' case that is June 30. Not very far away. In the meantime, Martin is squandering YOUR money.

Martin still has not presented a budget. He promises to have it ready tomorrow. After tonight's council meeting. Is that a fact? Just like Martin, that plan is a tremendous joke. Everyone on Mike Pope's Finance Committee should resign in abject shame. They are co-conspirators in Martin's fraud, deceit and deception.  

Perhaps Martin should ask Mary Koenig for help with the budget. How much worse can it get? At best, it is a case of colossal mismanagement and incompetence.