Thursday, February 28, 2013

Smiling Faces

The Martin Chronicles isn't sure how much time the vapid HBM-I (Holly Boo Boo) spends keeping up with local news. She is very busy hatching lame-brained plots to embarrass various perceived enemies with that vile ancient crocodile Councilman Mary Koenig, after all.

HBM-I views represent the lowest common denominator. The dregs of the barrel. The bottom of a poisoned well. The meanest of the mean-spirited. You know, just like the ass clowns who spend almost all of their nights sitting around the civic club bar propping up the mendacious Villa Hills Mayor Mike Martin.

We wonder if HBM-I is aware that the Villa Hills Police Department joined the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) in a major drug bust just a few days ago-and no, this has nothing to do with erstwhile one-term councilmember and Failed State Senate and City Attorney candidate Jim "The Grassy" Noll. If HBM-I is aware of this-or really anything for that matter-would she categorize the drug bust as another example of what she considers "fluff"?

While we are on the embarrassing subject of HBM-I, how pathetic was it when she ABSTAINED on a vote to change a police officer's pension status from NON-HAZARDOUS to HAZARDOUS? Abstained? Really? Who does Holly Boo Boo think she is, Mike Pope?

Malfeasant Mayor Martin insulted the newly hired officer by categorizing his duty as NON-HAZARDOUS for pension purposes. That is DISGUSTING. It's highly unlikely that the young patrolman thought the shooting incident he rolled up to several days ago was NON-HAZARDOUS. Martin should be ashamed. But he has demonstrated time and again over the past two and a half years that he is incapable of shame. This despite the long litany of MISCONDUCT and NEGLECT OF DUTY charges Martin was convicted of.

Believe it or not, we would have had more respect for HBM-I if she had voted to defend Martin's indefensible NON-HAZARDOUS position. By abstaining, Holly Boo-Boo clearly demonstrated what we already knew is a total disregard for the well-being of Villa Hills police officers. This is all a big game to the dim-witted HBM-I.

Unfortunately, the stakes of Holly Boo Boo's and Martin's shameful game are extremely high - for our police officers.

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We think The Temptations describe HBM-I best in a song. Do you remember? You had better.
Smiling faces, smiling faces sometimes
They don't tell the truth, uh
Smiling faces, smiling faces
Tell lies and I got proof
And we certainly have been providing you plenty of proof.