Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Outsourcing That Makes Sense

The Martin Chronicles believes very strongly that Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin's ruse to destroy the Villa Hills Police Department needs to be opposed. The time for "patience" has long since passed. Too much has taken place in the cover of darkness. Councilpeople need to make their position on this issue known.  The need for the public to state their views is at least as important.

Martin is pursuing what is now being described as "outsourcing" for terrible reasons. How else would you describe ruining the careers of seven dedicated public servants just to gain vengeance against Police Chief Dan Goodenough and Detective Joe Schutzman? It is not Goodenough's and Schutzman's fault that Martin was arrested for forgery. It is Martin's fault.

Martin claims that he is hoping to save the taxpayers "a whole bunch of money". First of all, we have yet to find one Villa Hills resident who says their taxes have gone down. Quite the opposite. Property taxes have risen. Martin has broken his promise to eliminate the UNFAIR $40 PER CAR STICKER TAX. Instead, the mendacious mayor is suing people who haven't paid.

So who exactly is "saving money"? No one.  It's just more Martin moo poo to add to the already huge pile of moo poo that has been streaming from Martin beginning with his dirtbag 2010 mayoral campaign. Yes, the ass clowns at the civic club still believe him. A growing number of others don't beleive him any more.

There are plenty of local examples of "outsourcing" that have done anything but "save money". Look at the what happened to the cost of Erlanger dispatch services. Look at what happened to the cost of Emergency Medical Services. Look at what happened to Ludlow's contract to provide police protection to Bromley. Look at what is happening to the cost of police protection in Crescent Springs.

To play off of Martin's smarmy phrase, how much longer should this process take? He's been talking to other police agencies since before the 2010 election. 

Look, we know HBM-I is a dope. She didn't even realize that she was making the case against "outsourcing" during her feeble attempt to embarrass Chief Goodenough at the last non-secret City Council meeting. Holly Boo Boo was railing that the VHPD is making too many calls outside of the city limits.

Here's the thing. There is this long-standing tradition of MUTUAL AID. Police and fire departments routinely back each other up. What does it tell us when the VHPD is being  dispatched on calls in Crescent Springs so frequently? IT TELLS US CRESCENT SPRINGS' CURRENT "OUTSOURCED" ARRANGEMENT IS NOT PROVIDING ADEQUATE COVERAGE. IT MEANS "OUTSOURCING" ISN'T WORKING.

We do think the City would be far better off with one piece of "outsourcing". What would that be? Come November 4, 2014 the voters need to "outsource" Martin's hind end right out of the mayor's office. He has proven to be a disaster.

It's 615 days until Martin stands for re-election.