Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Random Ramblings Redux

The Martin Chronicles remembers the heady days immediately following last years Villa Hills council elections. The hillbilly broom swept clean. It was supposed to be the beginning of malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin's "Golden Moment".
Finally, we would all see what Martin could do with a council who would work with him. Well, we are seeing it. And its just more of the same. Maybe even a little worse. Why? Because the mediocre Martin is still badly mismanaging the City. And LYING every time he opens his mouth.
Just a few observations and suggestions to start our day:
  • We would suggest that vile ancient crocodile Councilman Mary Koenig and HBM-I (Holly Boo Boo) do a few practice run-throughs before the next time they attempt to AMBUSH police Chief Dan Goodenough at a televised council meeting. If HBM-I wants to ask Goodenough questions about a document he's never seen in an underhanded attempt to embarrass him, she might oughta make sure SHE understands the document first. Between her disgraceful mischaracterization of Villa Hills Police calls as "fluff" one week after a shoot-out and her pathetic appeal to Koenig for help when she realized she was in way over her pointy head, Holly Boo Boo has solidified her ranking as a GRADE A DOPE.
  • Speaking of DOPE, the talk amongst the (very small group of) intelligentsia in Villa Hills surrounds the, shall we say, poor judgment of Villa Hills voters. 2010 marked the election of the mismanaging Martin AND saw police barricade-running midnight toker Jim Noll become TOP COUNCIL VOTE-GETTER. 2012 brought back the re-animated Mary Koenig and the aforementioned pinhead, HBM-I. Well done, voters. Well done. And you wonder why your City is a laughing stock. We'll have to wait 616 more days to see if the voting public can turn it around. We aren't holding our collective breath.
  • Then there is Flyin' Brian Wischer. In just his second month on council, young Mr. Wischer complained about the council meetings being "too long". While we agree that Martin is incapable of running a professional meeting, we suggest Wischer deal with it. Correct us if we are wrong Mr. Wischer, but we believe you asked for the job. Exactly who is "the tool" again?
  • Martin has been spouting off about "saving taxpayer money" by negotiating a smaller payout to Special Counsel Phil Taliaferro. You know, the man whose investigation led to Martin being found GUILTY on SEVEN of NINE counts of MISCONDUCT and NEGLECT OF DUTY. Here's a question. Did Martin ask his high-priced whore Toad McMurtry to cut his bill to the taxpayers by the same amount? We hope someone asks Martin that question at the next televised council meeting.
  • If new council flip-flopper Rod Baehner continues his impression of a weather vane in a wind storm he's going to end up putting his chiropractor in the top tax bracket. Baehner was asking voters to show some "patience" for Martin's two-plus year long vendetta to destroy the police department and outsource highly inferior police protection just a few days ago. Well, the public has shown great displeasure with Martin's police department antics. Baehner has now posted on Facebook "Why would anyone ever support outsourcing?" Good question, Rod. We've been asking that question since October 2011. What happened to "patience"? Perhaps it was replaced by political expediency?
  • We have further confirmation that you know that we know that you know we know. Social networking posts suggest that the alleged President of the local chapter of the Aryan Nation is upset with The Martin Chronicles. Why? Because we correctly identified him as the alleged President of the local chapter of the Aryan Nation. Our thoughts? Auf Wiedersehen, Herr angeblich Präsident !
Perhaps the ongoing Martin mess explains why the new product featured below is flying off the shelf at the local convenient store!!! Better get yours while you can!!!