Thursday, February 21, 2013

Meeting Memo

The Martin Chronicles witnessed yet another three-ring circus last evening. What are we writing about? The ridiculous three-plus hour long Villa Hills City Council meeting. The ringmaster? Malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin of course. Never have so many people talked so much and said so little of any value.

Just some observations and questions for the moment.

There is clearly something wrong with the City's financial records.

Stop the presses!! HBM-I admitted the City financial records are "over my head" last night. Evidently they are over Martin's and Schaber's pinheads as well.

Toad McMurtry's appointment to City Attorney is imminent.

Martin continues to LIE about his outreach to other agencies for police protection.

Despite Martin's pointless protestations to the contrary, $47.50 per hour, crony-hire clerk/bookkeeper Cordelia Schaber is an offensive waste of taxpayer money.

It is highly unlikely that Martin's monthly SECRET MEETINGS will ever see the light of day.

It is well past time for the UNFAIR $40 PER CAR STICKER TAX to be repealed. We have been saying so since our launch in October, 2011. It is more obvious now than ever.

HBM-I represents the absolute worst of Villa Hills citizenry. And she does it very well. Her tasteless comment that Villa Hills Police Department calls are "fluff" less than a week after the shooting incident is unforgiveable.

If Martin truly "hates suing people", why does he do it so often?

And the question Martin can never answer.

How can he claim he is "saving taxpayer money" when he signed a budget in to law last year THAT INCREASED PROPERTY TAXES FOR EVERY VILLA HILLS HOMEOWNER? His claim is utter nonsense.

And so is he.

Some of you are getting exactly what you voted for. The rest of us have to wait 621 more days to see if there is even a shred of hope left for battered Villa Hills.