Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Face Time

The Martin Chronicles beloved publisher had lunch with a long-time Villa Hills political observer today. This wag said, "Every time you think it can't get any worse, Martin and his cronies sink to new depths. So much for things getting better after the November election."

After talking to our informants at the Kenton County Court House, we think perhaps Mr. Noll should consider the following defense. "I didn't know I couldn't get drunk and stoned and drive through police barricades with drug paraphernalia in my car THEN, but I know it NOW".

The pundit also reminded us of failed State Senate Candidate and leading contender to be Mike Martin's new City Attorney Jim Noll's stated desire to get more "face time" in the early months of his one term on Villa Hills' city council, "Well, he's getting plenty of "face time" now.

Indeed he is.