Monday, February 11, 2013

It's The SAFETY, Stupid!

The Martin Chronicles has known that Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin is a dangerous and dim-bulbed fanatic for some time. Unfortunately for the troubled town, either a razor-thin majority of its' voters are also dangerous and dim-bulbed fanatics or just a complacent mass of gullible sheeple. Why? Because that razor-thin majority elected one of its most dangerously stupid residents to govern them.

The most recent-and most serious-example of The Nitwit From Norwood's colossal incompetence is his ridiculous rationale found in the way-more-than-two-years-too-late article in the mediocre Shorty believes the decision to disband the Villa Hills Police Department and contract with another City for "protection" will be based on "saving money".

We know the "Don't Tread One Me" flag-waving Tea Party pinheads, Liberty Leaguers and home-schoolers go ga-ga over such reckless rhetoric. That is precisely why everybody with functioning frontal lobes should be concerned.

If you've been paying any attention at all you know that Villa Hills is experiencing an unprecedented crime wave. Burglaries. Break-ins. Home invasions. Thefts. Drugs. The situation continues to worsen. While he's far too megalomaniacal to admit it, Shorty's vengeful decimation of the town's police department is THE major factor for the sky-rocketing wave of crime.

Does anyone-other than the civic club ass clowns-really believe that a police department based further away from Villa Hills will provide better police protection than an even  short-handed one that is patrolling the City streets 24/7? If Crescent Springs' Mayor Jim Collett could find it in himself to be truthful, he would admit that the Erlanger "experiment" has not gone well at all. So why should Villa Hills make the same mistake? This is far more about SAFETY than about SAVING MONEY.

Yes, we know. Martin doesn't really care about saving any money. Shorty really only wants to finally get his revenge against Chief Dan Goodenough and Detective Joe Schutzman for his 2007 forgery arrest. (No, it wasn't a conspiracy despite the lies that Martin and his cronies continue to tell to this day. We're going to show you the checks he forged in upcoming posts.) It's just too bad that the thumb-suckers at don't have the virtue to say it as well. Instead they continue to confuse their production of pointless pap with objectivity.

A special note to new Councilmember Rod Baehner. Patience? Really? Martin has been looking for someone other than the Villa Hills Police Department to provide police protection for his embattled burg since before the 2010 election. He and former Councildunce Mike Pope had serious talks with Erlanger at that time-all the while vehemently denying it.

We were just starting to repect you a little bit Rod. But your fence-riding is just murder to watch and to read on Facebook. The Martin Chronicles' RULE NUMBER ONE: "You are either IN, or you are OUT".

Rod, we're gonna help you out. We are in the process of obtaining the letter Martin sent to Park Hills, Erlanger, Ludlow, Ft. Mitchell and Kenton County. Read it and then get back to us and let us know if you still think all Martin needs is a little more time to gather information.

So what will be left for safety-once Martin's alleged main concern? Do you really want to go the way of All Hail The Superior and his goofy gun goons? Should every attempted crime end in a civilian shoot-out?

The sheeple are getting EXACTLY what they voted for. And chuckleheads like EDDIE continue to enable The High Priest Of The Branch Norwoodians. The problem is the rest of the residents have to suffer along with these geeks for another 631 days until they learn whether there is any hope at all for Villa Hills.