Monday, February 25, 2013

Now That's "A MARTIN""!

The Martin Chronicles keeps its eyes and ears open, spotting any new trends or fads in malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin's embattled burg of Villa Hills. We've stumbled on something new.We're sure you've heard "on a scale of one to ten . . . " or "ranking from best to worst . . . ". As you know, these rankings are a way to score the relative strengths of many things . . . a restaurant meal . . . level of pain . . . hotel accommodations. You get the picture.

Some folks in Villa Hills have recently developed a new way to rank the relative intelligence of any statement or action. Let's talk about the extreme ends of this new intelligence ranking.

The highest end of intelligence is described as "an Einstein". People who have creative bursts that lead to breakthroughs in medical technology or the creation of a lasting piece of classic literature would rate in that category. Obvious, right?

Equally obvious-and equally regional in nature-is the ranking for the lowest intelligence. Yes, we know its obvious. It's "a Martin". People who strap an Air Force-surplus jet engine to the back of their pickup truck to make it move faster or mount an extension ladder on cinder blocks in the back of their aforementioned pickup truck that has been jacked-up in order to clean third-story windows are probably well on their way to "A Martin" . . . and the emergency room.

During his dirtbag 2010 mayoral campaign he actually claimed that "safety is my main concern". Really? You don't say? Let's take a look at what he has actually done.

Despite his LIES to the contrary, Martin has been on a vengeful quest to disband the Villa Hills Police Department since before he was elected mayor in 2010. He has reached out to Kenton County. He has reached out to Erlanger. He has reached out to Ludlow. He has reached out to Ft. Mitchell. Why? To outsource YOUR police protection. Oh, there's more. Disregarding a skyrocketing crime rate that now includes shootings and failed politicians being arrested for running police barricades while stoned, Martin nitwittedly continues to refuse to bring the police department up to proper staffing levels. All the while Martin vapidly insists that Villa Hills is "a very safe community".