Because, you see, no matter how many
- new council people
- new city attorneys
- new police departments
- new city clerks
- new Facebook and Twitter posts
- new false promises to repeal THE UNFAIR $40 PER CAR STICKER TAX
- new lawsuits
- new non-material mistake-filled financial reports
- new "erased" hard drives that were really never erased
- new name-drops of mysterious Planning Commission president Paul de Paul
- new open records and records retention training sessions
- new libelous allegations
- new "wreck" committee meetings
- new mythical $30K discoveries
- new 'attaboys' from bilious blowhard County Boss Steve Barfinghaus
- new secret meetings
- new recruits for Martin's hillbilly lynch mob
- new City records to torch
- new caucus meetings
- new binge-drinking newly elected officials training sessions
- new computer companies
- new five-sided octagons
- new budgets
- new media outlets to bash
- new homemade signs later converted to outhouses
- new members of "Dead Pecker's Row"
- new uncrushed-by-a-backhoe safes
- new Handyman Manifestos
- new city parades and skirt games
- new claims of civic club equipment being "donated" to the city
- new crony hires
- new threats of gun violence spouted from the council chamber podium
- new fifty-year road plans that can change minute-to-minute
- new rounds of mud-jacking
- new "F" him, "F" her, "F" them sessions with the ass clowns at the civic club
- new reassurances that you ARE getting what you voted for
- new excuses for missing cash
- new excuses for missing reprimands
- new excuses for total, complete, abject failure
- new psychological disorders
- new scapegoats to blame
And of course, Martin has more than his share of enablers. You know who they are.
- the Civic Club ass clowns
- the Tea Party pinheads
- the St. Joke's Heavy-Drinking Men's Society
- the burgeoning hillbilly voting bloc
- the gun-toters
- the pot-smokers
- the tax-dodgers
- the homemade sign-makers
- the howl-at-the-moon lunatics
- County Boss Steve Barfinghaus
- high-priced whore Toad McMurtry
- former Councilgeek Mike Pope
- failed State Senate Candidate Jim Noll, and last but certainly not least
[EDITOR'S NOTE: A number of people have been inquiring about the true identity of General Zod. Seriously? Isn't it obvious? Haven't you been reading the posts?]