Wednesday, October 1, 2014

BREAKING NEWS: Taxpayer-Funded Political Propaganda

The Martin Chronicles is tracking down a fast-breaking story about more almost unbelievable antics from Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin. What has the tiny tyrant done now? Martin has included a taxpayer-funded political propaganda piece in this year's property tax bill mailing.

This brazen misuse of taxpayer money underscores Martin's abject corruption. Didn't he learn anything from the "confidential" reprimand he received from the Villa Hills Ethics Board for misuse of city employees and resources improperly promoting his 2011 road tax initiative? We guess not.

A reasonable person would conclude that this latest episode is far worse. Why? Because Martin is misusing taxpayer dollars for his own personal gain. Specifically, his re-election.

We have confirmed that Martin misused  taxpayer-funded city employees-while they were "on the clock"- stuffing his taxpayer-funded political propaganda pieces printed on the taxpayer-funded copier in to taxpayer-funded envelopes and mailed them using taxpayer-funded postage.  

The gist of Martin's taxpayer-funded political propaganda piece is that he wants the residents of Villa Hills to give him a mulligan for his first dreadful term in office. He wants you to believe that all of the "drama of the past" is now behind us and ignore the fact that he has been the sole source of all of that drama.

Martin wants you to believe that he has actually put money back in to the city's cash reserve and ignore the fact that he has amended the city budget to spend more money every single year he has been in the mayor's office.

Martin wants you to celebrate the-only-a-rumor-repeal of the UNFAIR $40 PER CAR STICKER TAX and ignore the fact that he walked away from his solemn promise to do that very thing four long years ago. Oh, and he has also increased your SNEAKY INSURANCE PREMIUM TAX BY FIFTY PER CENT.

Martin wants you to believe that he has strengthened the Villa Hills Police Department and ignore the fact that he very recently tried to disband it.

Yep, Martin is indeed a teen idol. The opinionated haters seem to worship him as well. Social network rants prove that. But reasonable people know that when someone walks like a skunk and stinks like a skunk, they are a skunk. Martin is a skunk. This latest misuse of taxpayer money only serves as yet another reminder (as if we needed more) of that fact.

Sure, Martin will claim that he sent out his taxpayer-funded campaign ad as a way to keep the residents informed. But that begs some questions. Why is this the first time the diminutive dictator has done it? No "newsletter" has been sent in any previous tax bill mailing. So, why now? Is it just a coincidence that this is an election year? Is it just another coincidence that he stands for re-election in less than five weeks?

Some low information voters might be swayed by Martin's taxpayer-funded chicanery. Martin may fool just enough of those low information voters to cobble together just enough support to earn re-election with say, 28% of the vote. At least that's what the diminutive deceiver is counting on.

We have heard that someone intends to file an ethics complaint against Martin for this most recent example of Official Misconduct in the next few days. But nothing will happen until after the election. Besides, Martin will simply say he didn't know it was wrong then, but he knows now. Despite the fact that he has already gotten in trouble for similar misconduct before.

The voting begins in 33 days.