Thursday, October 2, 2014

When Will Martin Suspend The Culprits?

The Martin Chronicles suggest all of our readers-both newbies and long timers-go back to our archives and read our post from May 23, 2013. That is when we were the first to break the news that Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin, Martin's personal-and now taxpayer-funded City-Attorney Toad V. McMurtry (of Gerner and Kearns) and the hugely-overpaid-by-the-taxpayers City Clerk/City Administrator Craigory T. Bohman ambushed former Assistant Police Chief Joe Schutzman, telling Schutzman that he was suspended without pay pending termination.
The malevolent Martin released his charges against Schutzman to the media just a few days later. Included in those charges-compiled at great taxpayer expense by Martin's personal-and now taxpayer funded City-Attorney Toad V. McMurtry (of Gerner and Kerns) was the (now-proven-false) accusation that Schutzman was involved in "political activity" while on duty.

Martin's personal-and now taxpayer funded City-Attorney Toad V. McMurtry racked up a huge bill that would choke a mule carefully outlining all of the KRS (aka State statute) violations generated from "political activity". It was a poorly done-but costly and voluminous-document.

Okay. Fair enough. Conducting "political activity" at the expense of the taxpayers is indeed a violation of Kentucky law and a bad thing. We get it.

So what is the mealy-mouthed Martin going to do about the taxpayer-funded employees who recently engaged in egregious "political activity"? You know the ones, don't you?

Sources decisively confirm that hugely-overpaid-by-the-taxpayers City Clerk/City Administrator Craigory T. Bohman and-whatever-if-anything-the-hell-she-does-hanger-on-Sue Bree were gleefully making copies on the taxpayer-funded copier of the mendacious Martin's taxpayer-funded piece of political propaganda on expensive taxpayer-funded paper, stuffing them in to taxpayer-funded envelopes to use taxpayer-funded postage to mail to every property-taxpayer in the beleaguered City of Villa Hills. 

Bohman, Bree and "perhaps others" were clearly engaged in "political activity" while the residents were paying them. So, doesn't Bohman's, Bree's and "perhaps others" activity fit the very definition of "political activity"? According to the KRS (aka State Statute), of course it most certainly does.

Hey, we already know for a fact that Martin has improperly encouraged the taxpayer-funded employees of Villa Hills to go out and tell unsuspecting residents what a great job the residents are doing. He is telling them that a "new administration" will fire them. Guess what? We think a "new administration" should fire them. They are nothing but costly " dead wood".

Why wouldn't Bohman, Bree and "perhaps others" willingly participate in such a shameful-and possibly illegal-activity? These losers are desperate to keep their over-paid-by-the-taxpayers' jobs.

So what will the mismanaging Martin do? You know the answer to that question, don't you? The teen idol Martin will do the only thing he can do well. Absolutely nothing. Not one damn thing.

Well, why would that be? Because the piece of taxpayer-funded propaganda that was mailed out at great expense to those aforementioned taxpayers theoretically benefits the mismanaging Martin. It's Martin himself who is-yet again-the culprit.

You see, that taxpayer-funded piece of propaganda paints an incredibly false picture of a mallet-headed Martin that at least has some vague clue of what he's doing. No, Martin doesn't even have a vague clue what he's doing. But that taxpayer-funded piece of taxpayer funded political propaganda is designed to convince the low information segment of Villa Hills voters that he does. Or, at least might.

The voters of Villa Hills can resolve this on November 4. It would actually be very easy. That doesn't mean it will happen. But it most certainly should.

The dishonest Martin needs to be sent packing for good on November 4.