Monday, May 5, 2014

Yep. Yet Another Milestone.

The Martin Chronicles humbly accepts the role as the number one source for news about Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin's unleashed lawlessness and mismanagement. We have just welcomed our 220,000th visitor. Even our beloved publisher is pleasantly surprised by our incredible reception since we launched our pesky, little blog on October 8, 2011. A heartfelt "THANK YOU" to all of our readers, even if you think we're "vile and disgusting".

We are also pleased that much of the dinosaur media in the greater Tri-state area has figured out what a dishonest scoundrel the misdirecting Martin most certainly is. It brings us no small amount of satisfaction to know-and we do know-that many of the best dinosaur media reporters in the area check The Martin Chronicles for story leads.

Remember when some of Martin's social network supporters used to condemn WCPO-TV Channel 9 for being "biased" against the miscreant Martin? Wasn't that a hoot? Now that all of the local television outlets have accurately demonstrated that Martin is a LIAR, we don't hear much from the Martin supporters on the various social networks, do we? The defining moment? When Martin stuck his mug in front of every camera he could find and LIED to everyone, saying that former Police Chief Dan Goodenough was "taking a few days off".

We also take great pride in the knowledge that we are firmly "in the heads" of Martin's TAXPAYER-FUNDED GOON SQUAD. We loved watching Martin's personal-and now City-Attorney Toad V. McMurtry squander TAXPAYER MONEY at Goodenough's dismissal hearing trying to find out who The Martin Chronicles is. Hey Toad, you may be surprised to learn that you work with at least one of us every single day.

We also know that we owe our success to a local government that is totally out of control. We would never have been so well-received had it not been for the likes of Mike Pope, Jim Noll, Mary Koenig, Holly B. Menninger Isenhour, the "Don't Tread On Me" flag-waving Liberty League lunatics, Nurse Janet, Brian Wischer, Cordelia and Dale Schaber, the UNFAIR $40 PER CAR STICKER TAX, Sweater Boy, The St. Joe's Heavy Drinking Men's Society, Summer Berger, Crazy Joe Davola, Dave Hilgeford, Toad V. McMurtry, the Villa Hills Ethics Board, Craig T. Bohman, Wanda Widebottom, General Zod, Too Fat Tony, Joe Seeameasigntosteal and the rest of the ass clowns at the Civic Club, Phil and Regina Harmon, Steve Jowlinghaus, EDDIE, the mysterious President of the NKAPC, Paul DePaul and, of course, the focus of our "right-on-the-money" reportage, the malevolent Mike Martin. These villains, airheads and many more folks make every single day a true adventure.

We'll know if we get the chance to close up shop and move on to our next assignment in just 183 days.