Sunday, May 18, 2014

Eminent Domain?!?!

The Martin Chronicles is investigating a widely-circulating rumor in malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin's Villa Hills. For the purposes of full disclosure and total transparency, we must write that this is now only an unsubstantiated rumor.

Here it is. We feel fairly confident that the reports of Martin, Councilwoman Holly B. Menninger-Isenhour and Martin's personal-and now City-Attorney Toad V. McMurtry's efforts to snatch cell tower revenues away from the civic club ass clowns are accurate. It makes sense. Martin needs more TAXPAYER MONEY to pay all of the legal fees he is incurring.

But now the story is growing. Several sources are reporting that there is a great deal of chatter about a Martin-hatched plan to grab the civic club property through eminent domain. For the uninitiated, eminent domain is a government entity's power to take private property for "public use".

For those of you who believe that such a bold move could be stopped in court, you had better re-think your belief. The only thing a judge would decide is just how much TAXPAYER MONEY Martin would have to pay the civic club ass clowns to take their property. That is settled law.

So why might Martin and Menninger-Isenhour even think about such a bold move? We do know that Menninger-Isenhour is the Chairperson of the City's Recreation Committee. She has publicly expressed her frustrations over her dealings with the civic club on multiple occasions.

We also know that the almost-totally-built-out Villa Hills makes the acreage on Rogers Road prime real estate. It would be worth a large sum of money for a mismanaging mayor who might just decide to turn around and sell the land to a developer. Governments are statutorily prohibited from using eminent domain as a way to "make money".

But when have legal prohibitions ever stopped Martin? His personal-and now City-Attorney Toad V. McMurtry will happily lead the way. Why not? Just imagine the countless TAXPAYER-FUNDED billable hours once again defending the indefensible.

We have learned that eminent domain rumors have surfaced periodically over the past several years. Some theorize that General Zod and the other half-baked directors whose plot to wage a mud-slinging war against any Martin opponent(s) has leaked out are looking for a way to deflect attention away from that embarrassing revelation. Sources tell us that this revelation has hurt the bar and steak night business at the club. As well it should.

Others believe it is the misdirecting Martin himself who started the rumor. Why would he do that? Well, first of all the miniature mullah is dead nuts crazy. But think about it for a moment. Martin has been taking a public beating for the underhanded way he railroaded former Police Chief Dan Goodenough. A large segment of the population are very upset that Martin told a BOLD-FACED LIE, claiming that Goodenough was "just taking a few days off".

These rumors may be nothing more than rumors. But, given Martin's now-long history of bizarre moves, who knows?

The voters of Villa Hills will get the chance to decide if they want to give Martin more than "a few days off" in just 169 days.