Friday, May 30, 2014

Burn, Baby, Burn

The Martin Chronicles hopes that the local, long-time political observer who called us earlier today was only kidding. But, given Villa Hills match-stick Mayor Mike Martin's history of illegal destruction of City records, it could very well be true.

It all begins with the announcement that the Villa Hills Civic Club is going to host a family bonfire in celebration of Cincy Business magazine's choice of the tiny town along the Ohio as the best suburb in The Tri-State. That all sounds great. In fact, we'll certainly be there.

But the pundit who called us said that there's a rumor going around town that Martin has just ordered his underling "Craigory" to box up any and all City records that could cause problems for the diminutive dictator in the many current and soon-to-be-filed lawsuits. Why? For transport to and disposal at the aforementioned Civic Club bonfire.

Just in case, we have an operative staking out the City building to watch Martin. If he's seen loading boxes in to either his serial-killer panel van or his massive, environmentally-unfriendly pickup truck, we'll know something bad is in the works-yet again.

Hey, Martin has held record barbecues before. With Martin, we suppose all things are possible.

None of them good-but certainly possible.