Saturday, May 10, 2014

WEEKENDER: The (Almost) Human Bowling Ball

The Martin Chronicles wants to make it abundantly clear to our vast audience that we hold Villa Hills Mayor Mike Martin fully responsible for the lawlessness he has let loose on the once-proud town over which he now disgracefully presides. Yes, he's dumber than a cinder block. But he still has enough brain activity to know what he's done and continues to do.

Martin has mostly destroyed the Villa Hills City government and its once-respected police force because he wanted revenge for his 2007 FORGERY ARREST. Martin has intentionally defamed, libeled and slandered the reputations of several undeserving public officials and harassed and intimidated long-serving employees out of their jobs because he is nothing more than a petty prick. All of that is the truth.

But, having written that important disclaimer, we have to admit that we do like the analogy a long-time Villa Hills resident recently shared with our beloved publisher. To what did this veteran Villa Hillian compare Martin? A bowling ball.

You may think that the comparison relates to the fact that Martin's cranium is as empty as that bowling ball. Or, you may believe that the comparison describes the fact that Martin generally leaves little more than destruction in his mindless wake. While both suspicions are correct, that resident drew the analogy to mean more than that.

You see, the analogy also describes the fact that others are rolling Martin like a bowling ball to wreak their own desired destruction. How so?
  • A second-time-around Council Hag is rolling Martin to wreak the desired destruction to even the score for the failure of her own hand-picked former mayor.
  • A jowly County Judge Executive is rolling Martin to wreak the desired destruction to increase that bilious blowhard's hegemony over the municipalities in his fiefdom.
  • A former Crescent Springs Police Chief is rolling Martin to wreak the desired destruction of a police department he has envied for many years.
  • A group of civic club ass clowns is rolling Martin to wreak the desired destruction of a City government they hate because it was revealed that they were up to their ear lobes in an embezzlement scandal that ripped-off hundreds of thousands of dollars from dues-paying club members.

The list is much longer than that. But we're saving the rest for a future post. There are still 178 days till election days after all. Besides, we are sure of one thing.

The gutter snipe Martin will eventually roll right back in to the gutter where he truly belongs.