Saturday, May 17, 2014

WEEKENDER II: It's Pure Branch Norwoodian

The Martin Chronicles really loves (almost all of) its readers. We have received a steady stream of phone calls and emails from a large number of them expressing their opinions on recent turns of events in malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin's troubled town of Villa Hills. Oh, you know, the problems mostly stem from the fact that Martin is a mouth-breathing dumbass. But let's address the very recent communications anyway.

Literally hundred of communications have come in to the Saturday night crew manning the ramparts of the malevolent Martin's demolished democracy complaining about the Covington connection leading to the recent hiring of the tattered town's new Police Chief. The Number One comment? "This ain't Covington!" Sure enough.

But we don't think this has too much to do with Covington. After all, Villa Hills mostly came in to existence in the early 1960's to resist Covington's attempted annexation of the suburbs in the area that has grown in to a once-respected Northern Kentucky community in a brazen attempt to grab tax money.

Sure, we believe a former Covington mayor who now lives in Villa Hills influenced the meat-headed Martin's vapid decision to hire a former Covington Police Captain to serve as an embattled Police Chief in the tiny tyrants tattered town. In point of fact, several sources tell us so. Okay. So what?

Sure, we totally believe the sources who tell us that Martin ran like a scared rabbit when The Martin Chronicles correctly reported on his despicable, original plan to hire a longtime crony who was looking for a way for VILLA HILLS TAXPAYERS TO FUND A THIRD TAXPAYER-FUNDED RETIREMENT. Martin is a total idiot who is being used by a number of people to suck in the teat of VILLA HILLS TAXPAYERS. Okay. So what?

Sure, we understand the angst of people with a triple-digit IQ in Villa Hills who understand that the mallet-headed Martin is not much more than an inept lawbreaker. But we still say "This ain't Covington".

No, what Martin is mindlessly doing is the purest form of the very worst of real hometown, Norwood.