Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Analysis: The Tyrants Are Toppling

The Martin Chronicles beloved publisher is throwing a joyous primary election-night shindig for his hard-working staff. Everyone is celebrating the stinging-and-well-deserved-rebuke laid on incumbent County Judge Executive Steve Arlinghaus by the voters of Kenton County. The heavily-favored Arlinghaus was soundly defeated by upstart Kris Knochelmann in a near-landslide.

We had several reporters doing exit-polling in various Kenton County precincts. We knew the mean-spirited Arlinghaus was in deep trouble very early in the day. We learned that voters had grown tired of the wasteful spending and incessant tax hikes that had become the hallmarks of the Arlinghaus regime.

Despite the fact that Villa Hills is Arlinghaus' hometown, voters in his very own precincts expressed hard feelings about the-now-six-month-lame-duck-incumbent Judge Executive.
Why were so many Villa Hillians upset?

Well, when Arlinghaus finally looks back at what went wrong, he should realize that the beginning of his end as Judge Executive began when he described the perfectly legitimate investigation in to the OFFICIAL MISCONDUCT AND NEGLECT OF DUTY of Villa Hills malfeasant Mayor Mike Martin as "a witch hunt", he made a tremendous mistake.

Martin's unleashed lawlessness following that investigation made it quite clear to voters that Martin is indeed a crook. The voters of Villa Hills had the chance to take their anger against Martin out on Arlinghaus. And they did so decisively. "A witch hunt", indeed.

Many voters also said that Arlinghaus official intervention on behalf of the undeserving Martin signaled a "green light" to the diminutive dictator to finish his demolition of the Villa Hills Police Department. Villa Hills voters strongly resented Arlinghaus for clearing the way for Martin' terrible treatment of several honorable law enforcement officers.

We'll have more reportage on other election-night victims of their unwise association with the mallet-headed Martin very soon. It was a very bad night for the bad guys. Huzzah!

The king is dead! Long live the king!

[EDITOR'S NOTE: Our investigative reporters are digging, digging, digging in to the identity of the man many exiting Villa Hills' voters seemed to despise. Most simply referred to this reviled man as "Craigory". As soon as we learn the identity of "Craigory", we'll provide you a full report.]